Medical School Personal Statement Editing Service

medical school personal statement editing is essential for a quality application to medical school


Personal Statement Editing For Medical School

Your medical school personal statement is a vital part of your application. Don't listen to those who falsely claim that your personal statement isn't important- nothing could be further from the truth. Your medical school personal statement gives you a unique opportunity to catch medical schools' attention and prove that you belong in their incoming class. Professional medical school personal statement editing will help you  tip the odds of admission in your favor.

medical school personal statement editing
quality medical school personal statement editing can improve your odds of admission


our Editors Are Doctors 

Medical school personal statements are unique because they need to emphasize the author’s character. Admissions committees are looking for candidates with strong character traits, such as determination, maturity, and empathy. Code Blue Essays' medical school personal statement editing service will ensure that you present yourself in a manner most likely to be viewed favorably. Our editors have been in your position- we understand what it takes to get into medical school, and we will help you get there.


  • why your personal statement matters

  • Medical school Expectations

Effective Communication Is Vital

Literacy and effective communication skills are basic job functions of physicians. Therefore, schools expect applicants to demonstrate those skills with a clearly written and grammatically correct medical school personal statement. They also expect that the writing effectively presents its author as a viable candidate for admission. 

 Medical schools admit students with strong interpersonal skills who show that the role of a physician suits them. Successful applicants are able to show that they are compassionate, mature, and motivated. Your personal statement is the ideal place to demonstrate these characteristics and others. Medical school personal statement editing will help you construct a winning admissions essay.

Our Comprehensive Personal Statement Editing System

We will take your medical school personal statement draft and perfect it into an essay that you will be proud of. Your finished medical school personal statement will greatly enhance your application, and improve your chances of admission to your preferred school. We subject each essay to our thorough and exacting Four-Part Code Blue Essays Process:

Step 1

First, our editors will carefully examine your medical school personal statement for any technical issues. We will correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors during this initial step.

Step 2

Next, we evaluate your medical school personal statement for impact and effectiveness. Your editor will determine if your essay has a defined purpose, and if the writing effectively convinces the reader of its assertions. Our editors will adjust your wording and provide suggestions to strengthen your personal statement and improve your quality of writing.

Step 3

We will examine the flow of your personal statement during the third step of our medical school personal statement editing process. During this phase, our editors will evaluate and improve the flow of your essay. We will make sure every part of your medical school personal statement transitions smoothly and is pleasant to read.

Step 4

Finally, your professional editor will comprehensively review your personal statement to evaluate the impact of the essay. Your editor will adjust your essay to make it more compelling and help demonstrate that you are an ideal candidate for medical school admission.




Comprehensive Personal Statement Editing

Perfect for applicants with a completed draft


  • Reviewed by a licensed physician
  • Access to secure portal
  • Spelling & Grammar Correction
  • Improve Organization 
  • Enhance Clarity and Precision of Writing 
  • Feedback on Content
  • Includes Free Revision




Essay Planning & Personal Statement Editing 

Don't worry if you don't have a completed draft. We will help you get writing.

Includes all features of Basic plan, plus:

  • CV Review and Feedback
  • Assistance With Content Selection
  • Coaching Throughout Writing Process
  • Personalized Application Advice
  • Unlimited Revisions
Customers served! 100 Applicants
Customers served! 100 Medical Schools
Customers served! 100 Chance To Make A Great First Impression!


I'm so impressed. I sent a copy of my "final" draft personal statement for medical school and once getting the edits back I was so so happy I decided to have code blue essays edit it. They made it so much clearer and easy to read. I would highly recommend using their service if you're looking for the best quality essays!

Abigail F. 


I have had several people look at my essay prior to Dr. Matthews, but the comments and suggestions provided were at times very confusing, and difficult to incorporate in my essay. Dr. Matthews explained the revision in a way that was extremely concise and easy to incorporate. Thank you so much for the excellent service!

Risa L.


This service greatly improved the flow and sound to my first draft of my personal statement. It made the overall content stronger without losing the content that was already there.

Chase F.
