Reduce Your Stress And Become A Stronger Medical Student

If you are in medical school, there is a good chance that you are feeling stressed. Perhaps you secretly wonder if medical school was a mistake? Are your classes causing you anxiety, stress, or frustration? Do you sometimes feel as if you are missing crucial information?

It is a fact. Medical school is intense! Only somebody who has experienced it can truly understand. Although it is may seem that you are alone in your experience, know that the majority of your classmates are having similar feelings. It is completely normal to feel overwhelmed by medical school. Fortunately, there is help.

Code Blue Essays is proud to present The Medical Student’s Journal– designed by a physician to reduce medical school stress and improve your confidence, performance, and happiness.

Introducing The Medical Student’s Journal

Bridge The Gap Between Student And Medical Professional!

  • Reference– Quickly look up normal lab values, record important information, and more
  • Documentation Templates– Step-by-step guides for H&P, SOAP, and brief operative notes
  • Patient and Procedure Logs: Keep track of your learning
  • Planner/Organizer: Guided tools to help you achieve your goals
  • Stronger Residency Application: Collect and easily organize information to write a stronger personal statement and prepare for interviews


You have worked hard to get to where you are today. You were were selected from a group of highly qualified applicants to attend your school. Therefore, you have already proven that you have the ability to become a physician. Do not let medical school stress limit your enjoyment of your education. Get the powerful tool that will help you realize your full potential. The Medical Student’s Journal help you maximize your time and become a stronger, happier student.
