Do You Want A Career In Healthcare?

We'll Help you get there with premium application services


Start Your Healthcare Career On The 'Write' Track

Improve your odds of being accepted to your preferred medical program.  We offer medical personal statement editing, assistance with secondary essays, and interview prep. Whether you are interested in medical school, dental school, residency, or another healthcare program, we can help you get there! 

Our Services:

The Code Blue Essays Advantage

Why You Should Choose Code Blue Essays

Expert Assistance

Our editors are physicians who have successfully navigated the pathway to medical school and beyond. 

Great Value

An investment in your future starts here. The benefits of our products will serve you for years to come.

Personalized Service

We cater to your unique needs. Even if you have blemishes in your record, we will help you craft an application that you can be proud of.

Premium Quality

Our professional editors strengthen your essay while retaining your unique voice.

Great Communication

Get access to a private online portal to communicate directly with your editor.

Helpful Advice

Receive actionable feedback in a supportive environment. We'll help you feel good about your work.


Strong writing opens doors. Our customers have matriculated into their top-choice programs.


We help you craft a strong application, so you don't have to worry.


Our unique products and services utilize the latest research to bring you success.

medical school personal statement CWRU

free guide

Follow 10 Easy Steps And Get Accepted to Medical School!

Improve your odds of getting into medical school with  this actionable guide.

We speak the language of medicine

Don't Let Your Writing

Hold Your Application Back

Medical professionals must have strong written and oral communication skills. Therefore, medical schools and other healthcare training programs have a distinct preference for applicants who demonstrate proficiency in this area. Don't let a poorly written application thwart your career goals. Code Blue Essays will help you craft essays that will withstand the scrutiny of the most demanding admissions officers.

You have worked really hard to get to his point. Don't let it be all in 'vein'!  Our editors will help you craft an application that gets results.


I have had several people look at my essay prior to Dr. Matthews, but the comments and suggestions provided were at times very confusing, and difficult to incorporate in my essay. Dr. Matthews explained the revision in a way that was extremely concise and easy to incorporate. Thank you so much for the excellent service!

Risa L.


I'm so impressed. I sent a copy of my "final" draft personal statement for medical school and once getting the edits back I was so so happy I decided to have code blue essays edit it. They made it so much clearer and easy to read. I would highly recommend using their service if you're looking for the best quality essays!

Abigail F.


This service greatly improved the flow and sound to my first draft of my personal statement. It made the overall content stronger without losing the content that was already there.

Chase F.

we have the prescription for success

Are You Ready To Get Started?

Tell us about your goals and we'll prescribe a plan of action to help you reach them. 
